Kalley Krickeberg Horse Training
I train out of the beautiful Triple Crown Equestrian Center in Lincoln, California. I have access to cattle, multiple large indoor and out door arenas with high quality footing, along with large open fields to work and train in. Triple Crown is a very active, public facility that offers horses a lot of exposure to the real world.
My training program is structured to provide a strong and well rounded foundation for all horses, by offering diverse exposure that will serve them well in any discipline. I can build you an All-Around horse, or fill in the blanks to help your horse become more of an All-Around horse. Beyond that, if you and your horse are headed into a more specialized field, I can create a solid foundation from which to go there.
My training program for an All-Around Versatile horse starts with the level your horse is currently, and covers:
Fundamental "Must Have" Skills; Walk, Trot, Canter, Steer, Stop and Back up on a loose rein
Collection; Develop their flexions, suppleness and gymnastic skills, and advance those skills according to the horse's ability
Pattern Work; Those that enhance the horse's ability to think an apply themselves, yet not learn to anticipate
Cattle; Low stress handling and control, tracking and rating cattle
Practical Skills: Ponying and being ponied, Stick-n-Ball (Swing a polo mallet, hit and follow a ball), Roping a simulator (and live cattle when available, if appropriate for the individual horse), and Basic Obstacle training (Bridge, Tarp crossing, Ground poles/log crossing and maneuverability)
Additional Horse Training Services Offered:
Pre Ride Training-
For those who would like their young horse prepared to be started at a later date...includes everything but the First Ride. I have very strong background in young horses from foals to starting age. I take great pride in developing the skills in a young horse, and maintaining the sensitivity and respect that any professional colt starter would appreciate.
Colt Starting-
I have lost track of how many colts I have started, my main focus is to always start the next horse better than the last. Every colt gets its own start, some need more ground prep, some need next to none. I like to start horses between 2 and 4 yrs old, the older they get the harder and more dangerous the process is for the both of us.
Liberty Training-
I have an extensive background in Liberty work. I have done performances in front of up to 5000 people, and participated in performances at such lively venues such as The Road To The Horse and the World Equestrian Games, amongst many, many others across the country.
Hauling Training-
As available, hauling to: Polo practice, Sorting practice, and "Ride Outs" in the mountains or on the ranch. Various fees will be associated with each outing, for example; fuel, entry, stall, and haul fee for the ride outs, or if you wish to have your horse hauled for the experience but not participate in the event its self. Hauling to different places is a huge part of getting a horse well seasoned, and well broke.
It takes a minimum of 2 years of daily professional training to "finish" a horse, which includes focused training on a specific discipline, hauling, showing, and/or working in different environments. As a t-shirt or bumper sticker once said: "I'm a trainer not a magician." I've done some pretty cool and amazing things with horse's, both riding and liberty, but that does not mean every horse is capable of doing those amazing things. Nor does it mean the owner is willing to leave the horse in training long enough to finish the training. Each horse's trajectory and owner's goals are unique, I do my best to bring those two things together.
I cover a very specific variety of subjects, to make the best possible all around riding horse, with as balanced and stable a mentality I can develop with that individual. Results of training vary accordingly, based on; the horse's age, the length of time I have the horse, the horse's prior experiences or training, and the horse's individual mentality and athletic aptitude. My goal always, is to develop a smart, sensitive and calm animal.
I have a background in many different disciplines that gives me the ability to relate to a wide variety of horses and horse owners. I often pull from one of these disciplines to aid the progression of a horse in another discipline, in essence it is cross training at its finest and it has worked very well for many horses.
Background in:
Off-Track Thoroughbred Transitional Training
Ranch Work
Colt Starting
Foal Handling
Natural Horsemanship
Mustang Taming and Starting
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*Please plan ahead; Kalley has a very active Training Program
and books out 8 - 10 months in advance
*Serious inquiries only

"I proudly feed Triple Crown to my horses, and nothing else. I don't need any other supplement to get a show ring shine. Thank you Triple Crown for developing such a superior feed!"

"Triple Crown Equestrian Center is where I proudly call home for my training and lesson program. I train along side some of the best Cutting, Roping, and Barrel horse trainers in the country."
Triple Crown Equestrian Center, Inc. is a premier training facility, owned by Steve and Stacy Morgan, and located in the beautiful foothills of Lincoln, CA. The training facility specializes in quality cutting horse training as well as the western disciplines, including barrel racing and roping. Arena rentals for events are also available.