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May 10, 20194 min read
The Price of a Poor Foundation
The success or failure of a horse's career can largely, if not entirely, depend on the strength, thoroughness and dependability of its...
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Jan 29, 20184 min read
A Horse's Potential
Whenever I have the chance to touch a new horse, whether to ride it or work with it on the ground, I am always seeking that elusive,...
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Jan 16, 20184 min read
The Importance of the Ribcage for Collection
When we talk about Collection, where I usually see a lot of people's minds go is to the position of the horse's poll, maybe the hind...
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Jan 10, 20183 min read
The Advantage of a Balanced Approach
Sometimes I ride a horse like a Dressage horse, sometimes I ride them like a Reiner. Sometimes I ride them like a Polo horse, sometimes I...
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Jan 2, 20183 min read
The Benefits of the Counter Bend
The Counter Bend; how it helps develop the athleticism in your horse
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Dec 26, 20174 min read
The Power of The Weave
Here's something for you to try this up coming weekend. It's an adaptation of the Gaming sport "pole bending." If you've ever watched a...
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Dec 17, 20172 min read
Let's Talk Competition
It is a belief of mine that working with your horse or dog, i.e. ranch work, livestock work, plowing fields/harvesting food,...
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Dec 11, 20172 min read
The Free Spot
One of the most important things you can do for a horse? him where his "freedom" is. Show him there's a door always open, he just...
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Nov 30, 20173 min read
Bits and Bridling
First thing is first, I believe horses are like snowflakes; all are similar, but no two are exactly the same. And second, I'm "non...
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Nov 14, 20171 min read
Exposing a Horse
When exposing a horse, I do things until they are no longer "novel." Novelty to a horse is something to be afraid of or to defend...
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Oct 31, 20171 min read
Something To Keep In Mind
A horse can like you and not trust you... A horse can like you and have no respect for you... The ultimate goal in my mind, is working...
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Jul 10, 20173 min read
"Conventional"?..No. "Natural"?..No. Balanced?..YES!
How many of us find ourselves looking for a box to fit in? Many times it's so much easier to know what box we DON'T fit in. You can be...
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"I proudly feed Triple Crown to my horses, and nothing else. I don't need any other supplement to get a show ring shine. Thank you Triple Crown for developing such a superior feed!"

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